
New Friday

New Friday is an Indonesian Alternative Rock band from Semarang, Central Java, formed in 2009. It consists of Pedick RecA (vocals, guitar), Lutfi Waskitojati (lead vocals, bass) and Rendy Kharisma Ajie (drums). All three members met at Diponegoro University in Semarang. Two songs that became their mainstay is "Ku Ingin Kau Pergi" and "Ku Sayang Kamu". Both were created by their guitarist.

There are two songs that became their mainstay. You can download it, hopefully you can assess the quality of their music after you listen to their songs. Support their music, visit their site so you can get the latest information from them.

  • Ku Sayang Kamu
  • Ku Ingin Kau Pergi




Anonymous said...

izin donot gan..
PERTAMAX nih.. kirain band luar td gan, lagian si agan blognya pke bhsa londo.. wakaka

foxicarea said...

monggo gan, langsung sedot aja..
band adek gw gan.. hahaa...
gabung groupny di pesbuk ya gan!

Anonymous said...

pake password nggak ne bro?
kmaren gw download album metallica loe, tp pake password.
loe nyante aja bilang passwordnya lupa, postingannya dihapus lagi.

foxicarea said...

kagak pake password bro, langsung sedot aja..
sorry yg kmaren bro.. wakakaa..

Anonymous said...

lagu yg judulnya ku sayang kamu keren tuh. thx dah share ya bro!

adi said...

salam kenal...terimakasih bacaannya ya.....

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